

      衷心感謝您選擇成都安琪兒婦產醫(yī)院!希望這里提供的醫(yī)療服務能讓您感到愉快而舒適。 安琪兒,作為JCI認證醫(yī)院,始終堅持“以質量安全為保障,以客戶為中心”的核心理念,用更好的醫(yī)療服務,讓您在接受精湛的醫(yī)療診療同時,還能感受到家的溫馨與舒適,享受到星級酒店的服務與便捷。 我們深知,每一個生命都是上帝牽手人間的天使,每一份幸福都源自愛的責任與信賴! 在安琪兒,我們的所有工作都將以您為中心而展開,我們的每一位員工,都將秉承崇高的職業(yè)操守,以飽滿的熱情,在質量安全上不斷苛求,在服務上不斷創(chuàng)新,并絕對尊重您和家人在安琪兒的各項權益。 只為帶給您和寶寶,個性化的細心呵護和體貼照顧!




      成都安琪兒婦產醫(yī)院 院長:隆玉華

      Dear Sir or Madam:

      I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your choosing Angel Women's & Children's Hospital and hope you have a pleasant and happy experience while in our hospital for your medical care. As a JCI accredited hospital, Angel will provide you with an international standard medical service in accordance to the core ideology "With safety as the base, and customer as the focus". You will enjoy the services of a starred hotel, with the warmth and comfort of home while receiving the high quality and outstanding medical service.

      We believe that every life is an angel on earth held by God’s hand, and every happiness comes from the responsibility of love and trust! At Angel’s, all the work we do will be for you. Every staff will use the highest of professional ethics, with the fullest enthusiasm, refined in the quality and safety, and innovation in medical services in addition to absolutely respect you and your family’s right and interest.

      Just to bring the personalized attentive care and considerate service to you and your baby.

      For your trust will be our utmost encouragement.

      If you have any advices and suggestions, please give us the feedback in time to help us improve our service.

      Again, I appreciate your trust in Angel Women's & Children's Hospital.

      Director of Angel Women's & Children's Hospital

      Long Yu Hua

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